O evento teve Workshops de MC, Graffiti, DJ e B.Boying, a competição de Breaking e como prêmio o vencedor ganhou o direito de participar de uma das Cyphers que dá direito de participar da final mundial do Red Bull Bc One 2012.
Para a Recife City Breakers (RCB) foi mais uma ótima oportunidade de apresentar nosso nível técnico e conquistar reconhecimento nacional. E o B.boy Dennis nos representou muito bem!
Agradecemos à Deus, nossos familiares e amigos, ao B.boy Pelezinho e a Brigada Hip-Hop/PE.
Humildade - Respeito - Sabedoria
TranslationAgradecemos à Deus, nossos familiares e amigos, ao B.boy Pelezinho e a Brigada Hip-Hop/PE.
Humildade - Respeito - Sabedoria
The Recife City Breakers (RCB) thanks B.boy Pelezinho (TAS) for the opportunity to participate, acquire more knowledge and meet new people. This is the 2nd Under My Wing in the world and for all participants was very pleased to be selected and invited.
The event had workshops MC, Graffiti, DJ and B.Boying, Breaking the competition as a prize winner and won the right to participate in one of Cyphers that gives right to participate in the final World Red Bull Bc One 2012 .
The Recife City Breakers (RCB) was another great opportunity to present our technical level and gain national recognition. And B.boy Dennis represented us well!
We thank God, our families and friends, the B.boy Pelezinho and Brigada Hip-Hop/PE.
Humility - Respect - Wisdom
We thank God, our families and friends, the B.boy Pelezinho and Brigada Hip-Hop/PE.
Humility - Respect - Wisdom